Inclement Weather and Emergency Closing Information

Inclement Weather and Emergency Closing Information


  1.     Each office (Clear Lake, Marshalltown and Cedar Falls) will operate independently when deciding to close.
  2.     Each office has designated staff assigned to make the decision.
  3.     When an office is closed, all activities and events scheduled at the office are canceled.
  4.     No late starts for events, activities or professional learning opportunities.

Closings and cancellations will be announced through the following channels:

  • The front page of the agency’s website.
  • Cell phone text message, email, or automated voice alerts via School Messenger.
  • Agency social media accounts (please understand that the agency has no control over how prominently announcements appear in your personal social media feed).
Need to sign up for text, email or voice alerts? Contact Shirley Horak at 319-273-8245.


  1. Weather FAQs
  2. Every professional learning flyer or brochure published by the agency should include information about how participants can learn about cancellations
  3. Weather procedures for announcing an office closing or an event, activity or professional learning cancellation. (updated 12/2018)

To view current road conditions across the state of Iowa, please visit the Iowa State Patrol’s Iowa Winter Road Conditions website.