Steps/Protocol for Communicating/Marketing Offerings:
Contact Amy Moine to put a new offering in the catalog (or a new section of a present offering)
Once offering is approved:
PL team posts it to the catalog
PL team posts it to Events on CRAEA front web page (if priority)
Courses/learnings with a smaller, niche audience (typically content courses) should be promoted as follows:
- Create a post about your learning within your individual content blog on the Central Rivers AEA website. (Check out this video for guidelines and tips!) In addition, tag the Professional Learning blog. Your post should include the title of your learning (please choose a descriptive title that tells the audience what this course is about), who the target audience is, date, time, location, a powerful description, as well as the course number to locate and register for the course within the Professional Learning system. If your course is appropriate for school leaders, also tag the Leadership Connections blog. (Please do not tag this blog if the course is intended only for teachers.)
- Send an email to your target audience via AEA Contact Manager with a link to the blog post.
- Share your post on Twitter and tag Central Rivers AEA (@CentralRivers on Twitter). Facebook is not typically used to promote courses/workshops.
- Repeat steps 2 & 3 as needed.
Courses/learnings with a widespread audience (e.g. Lead, Inspire, Innovate) should be promoted as follows:
- Professional learning will work with Creative Services to ensure that the learning is promoted via agency communication channels by posting the learning on the Communication Activities calendar. Note: Creative Services works 1-2 months in advance in promotion.
- Professional Learning will create a post within the Professional Learning blog on the Central Rivers AEA website and also tag Leadership Connections which is sent out 1-2x/month to school leaders.
- Professional Learning Director will share information internally with Regional Administrators and other administrative staff as part of Administrative Team, Expanded Cabinet, and/or Regional Administrator meetings.
- The Professional Learning Director will share information externally via Superintendents’, Principals’, and Curriculum Coordinators’ network meetings.
- Professional Learning will update other sections of the website (front page calendar, etc.) with key details.
- Professional Learning will work with key staff to send a promotional email out to key audiences (e.g. superintendents, etc.)
A note to consider: If your team wants to “limit” groups and do phases of registering, our PL team will accommodate. Example: A team wanted registration open to only 11 districts at first. After talking to those districts and later checking registration, no one was signed up. Next we opened registration to all districts and got the word out. (through communication channels listed above.) We ran the event as a result.
Create a Google Flyer
Sample Flyer LINK for Content areas or a blank flyer template you can use or create a unique flyer and send it to Lindsay to finalize. Make sure to establish a hashtag for the event we are advertising so we can use it in the flyer. (Beth needs to approve the flyer before it goes out to anyone.) RAs are then given a link or flyer when applicable (and Cabinet is given these things when applicable)